Sponsor ev challenge

🚗 EV Route 66 Scavenger Hunt Sponsorship Tiers

Support sustainability, EV innovation, and Route 66 history while getting premium brand exposure!

🌟 Sponsorship Levels

1️⃣ Title Sponsor – $5,000 (Exclusive)

✅ Your brand as the official event sponsor: “EV Route 66 Scavenger Hunt, Powered by [Your Company]”
✅ Logo featured on all promotional materials (website, social media, press releases)
✅ Brand mention in all event media coverage and interviews
✅ Largest logo on event banners & participant T-shirts
✅ Premium booth space at the finish line in McLean, IL
✅ Speaking opportunity at the awards ceremony

2️⃣ Charging Station Sponsor – $2,500

✅ Your business name/logo at one designated charging stop along the route
✅ Recognition in event materials (website, social media, event guide)
✅ Logo on event banners & T-shirts
✅ Booth space at the finish line

3️⃣ Landmark Sponsor – $1,000

✅ Sponsor a scavenger hunt challenge at a Route 66 landmark
✅ Logo on the Scavenger Hunt Guide and event materials
✅ Social media shoutouts & event day recognition
✅ Logo placement on banners at the finish line

4️⃣ Supporting Sponsor – $500

✅ Logo placement on event webpage & social media promotions
✅ Recognition in the event guide
✅ Verbal recognition at the awards ceremony

5️⃣ Prize Sponsor – $250 (or in-kind donation)

✅ Business logo on prize winner announcements
✅ Recognition in social media and event materials
✅ In-kind donation (gift cards, EV accessories, charging credits, etc.) welcome!

📩 Become a Sponsor Today!

📧 Questions? Contact us at prairieguardians@gmail.com