
The supplement world is truly the Wild West of the fitness industry. There are a lot of people trying to sell their supplements, a lot of misinformation, and a lot of money involved. It’s very difficult to know what’s right and what you should be taking, if anything.

Editors Note: The articles on this website are meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Its always a good idea to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Let these articles be a starting point for you. Everyone is different and no one is an expert on you. It is up to you to find what works for you

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There are a few things to know about supplements. First and most important: ideally, you don’t have to take any supplements if you can get all the nutrition you need from your diet. Unfortunately, not many people have the perfect diet, so inevitably, we turn to supplementation to help us improve. Your body is a delicately balanced ecosystem, taking high doses of some vitamins or minerals that you don’t normally get can throw that balance out of wack. If your health is good, be careful what you add to your diet. If you are having issues, it is always best to have tests done to see if you are low on something. Every person is different and reacts and absorbs food differently. Most supplements will may have an studies that show they are effective, but how much is a big question. Most of the time, it is very negligible, where it would only be noticed by an elite athlete So now, the big question is: what to take?

Here are some other things to keep in mind:

1. **Avoid Complex Supplements:** Try to avoid supplements that involve more than one ingredient. Often, different ingredients have different absorption rates, or one is water-soluble and one is oil-soluble, so you may get a buildup of one where you have too much. Additionally, a lot of research on supplements is based on very small elements naturally occurring in food, and there’s no guarantee that the benefits still occur when you separate that little piece of nutrition from its natural food context. For instance, while studies may say that supplementing with zinc have great benefits, there’s no proof that taking a zinc supplement has the same benefit as getting zinc from your food. This is especially the case for fish oil supplements and multivitamins.

2. **Independent Testing:** Only buy supplements that are tested by independent labs. When my son was playing rugby at a high level, it was important to take supplements that were tested and safe for sports use because there was always a potential for him to be tested for performance-enhancing drugs. This introduced us to the world of supplement testing. Many supplements don’t contain what they claim, or they don’t have the right amounts. There was a big hubbub about turkesterone being the next big supplement about a year ago. Several big YouTubers were promoting it and their own brands. When tested, these supplements hardly had any of the ingredient. They were buying turkesterone from China, putting a label on it, and never getting it tested. This happens a lot in the supplement industry, so you really have to pay attention to what you’re getting.

Why buy our supplements, All our supplements are bottled in the USA and 3rd party tested. When you buy from us, you are supporting our mission to protect waterways from pollution.

As you embark on the epic adventure of getting fit, you’ll find that supplements can be valuable allies in supporting your fitness goals, maintaining overall health, and balancing hormones. However, the world of supplements can be complex, so let’s explore in depth the supplements that men and women over 40 should and should not consider for optimal fitness, health, and hormonal well-being.

Where I have recommendations for a product that I have used, I will add that product. Most of these I don’t really use, so I don’t have many recommendations. If you have had good luck with any supplements, please share that experience with us. At the bottom of the page is a form you can submit your suggestions

#### Essential Supplements

**1. Protein Powder:** Protein requirements often increase with age to prevent muscle loss. Protein supplements, such as whey or plant-based options, are essential because protein is the number one supplement that almost everyone should take. The World Health Organization recommends that everyone should get 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. On average, 40% of Americans are not even getting this amount. Keep in mind, this is the recommended minimum daily allowance to survive, not to thrive. If you’re trying to build muscle, studies and most experts recommend about 1 gram per pound of body weight. 

If you’re a little overweight, rather than going by total body weight, you can aim for 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. If you don’t have a way to measure that, a simpler approach would be 1 gram of protein per centimeter of your height, which gives a very accurate measurement of your protein needs. As we get older, our bodies absorb protein less efficiently. If you’re over 40, lifting weights, and exercising regularly, you probably need the high end of 1 gram per pound of body weight, maybe 1.5 grams. For instance, I’m 6’4″ 220 pounds, so I would need 220 grams of protein a day, which is hard to get from food alone. 

Not all proteins are equal. Animal-based proteins are absorbed by the body better than plant-based proteins. Animal proteins are more complete and provide all the amino acids your body needs. For vegans, some plant-based proteins or combinations can provide the necessary amino acids, but it’s a struggle to meet protein requirements with plant-based foods alone. For example, to get the same quantity of protein from broccoli as from one chicken breast, you would need to eat three 5-gallon buckets of broccoli, which is unrealistic. Beans are also high in protein, but you’d need a 5-gallon bucket of beans to get 220 grams of protein, which would cause other issues.

If you’re lifting weights and getting older, and your goal is to maintain or build muscle, you need a lot of protein. This is where protein powder comes into play. I have two protein shakes a day and still fall short on protein. There are different varieties of protein you can take: whey protein, casein protein (a slow-absorbing protein), and for vegans, pea protein and other plant-based proteins. Find a flavor and type that you like and that meets your dietary needs.


   – **Muscle Preservation:** Adequate protein intake helps maintain muscle mass, essential for strength and mobility.

   – **Satiety:** Protein-rich shakes can aid in appetite control and weight management.

   – **Muscle Recovery:** Protein supports muscle repair after exercise, reducing the risk of injury.

   **Benefits:** Protein supplements contribute to muscle maintenance, recovery, and weight management.

   **Risks:** Choose supplements with minimal additives and added sugars. Protein intake should still primarily come from whole food sources.

This is the protein I use and highly recommend. I have been using it for a long time and absolutely love it

*2. Creatine:* Creatine is one of the most extensively researched and effective supplements for improving exercise performance, especially in activities that require short bursts of energy. Creatine offers benefits such as:

   – **Increased Strength:** Creatine supplementation can enhance muscle strength and power during high-intensity workouts.

   – **Muscle Growth:** It promotes muscle cell volumization, leading to increased muscle size over time.

   – **Brain Health:** Emerging research suggests that creatine might have cognitive benefits, including improved memory and attention.

   **Benefits:** Creatine is a well-established supplement for boosting workout performance and supporting muscle growth.

   **Risks:** When taken in appropriate doses, creatine is generally safe. However, excessive intake might lead to gastrointestinal discomfort or other minor side effects.

This is the creatine I use, its simple and a good price and easy to take

*3. Multivitamins and Minerals:* As you age, your body’s ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals might decline. A comprehensive multivitamin tailored for your age and gender can fill potential nutritional gaps in your diet. Look for a formulation that includes:

   – **Vitamin D:** Essential for bone health and immune function. Adequate levels are associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases.

   – **Calcium and Magnesium:** Crucial for bone density, muscle function, and nerve transmission.

   – **B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folate):** Important for energy metabolism, brain health, and red blood cell production.

   **Benefits:** Multivitamins can provide insurance against potential nutrient deficiencies, supporting overall health and well-being.

   **Risks:** Be cautious of mega-doses, as excessive intake of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to adverse effects.

*4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:* Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, offer a range of benefits for those over 40:

   – **Cardiovascular Health:** Omega-3s can lower triglyceride levels, reduce blood pressure, and support heart health.

   – **Inflammation Reduction:** These fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially alleviating joint pain and stiffness.

   – **Brain Health:** Omega-3s are associated with cognitive function and may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

   **Benefits:** Omega-3 supplements can contribute to heart and brain health, as well as aiding in joint comfort.

   **Risks:** Fish oil supplements might interact with certain medications or cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Choose high-quality brands to minimize the risk of mercury contamination. There are also still a lot of questions if taking fish oil supplements have nearly the same effect as eating fish. It is much better to get your fish oil from eating actual fish

*5. Vitamin D:* This “sunshine vitamin” becomes more crucial with age due to reduced skin synthesis and sun exposure. Vitamin D is actually a hormone produced by the body and not really a vitamin. Vitamin D is essential for:

   – **Bone Health:** It aids in calcium absorption, promoting bone density and reducing the risk of fractures.

   – **Immune Function:** Vitamin D supports the immune system’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

   – **Mood Regulation:** Some research suggests a link between low vitamin D levels and mood disorders.

   **Benefits:** Adequate vitamin D levels contribute to bone health, immune function, and emotional well-being.

   **Risks:** Excessive vitamin D intake can lead to toxicity, resulting in symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Consult a healthcare professional to determine the right dosage for you. Vitamin D is not water soluble so it can build up in your body if you take too much

**Section 2: Hormonal Support**

*1. DHEA:* Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that declines with age. Some potential benefits of DHEA supplementation include:

   – **Energy and Mood:** DHEA may support energy levels and mood regulation.

   – **Muscle Strength:** It might contribute to maintaining muscle mass and strength.

   **Benefits:** DHEA supplements may offer support for energy, mood, and muscle health.

   **Risks:** DHEA supplements can affect hormone levels and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, and changes in menstrual cycles for women.

*2. Adaptogens:* Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and rhodiola are known for their potential to help the body adapt to stress and promote hormone balance.

   **Benefits:** Adaptogens might help reduce stress, enhance energy, and support overall well-being.

   **Risks:** While generally considered safe, some individuals might experience mild side effects. Consult a healthcare professional before adding adaptogens to your regimen.

I really like this Ashwagandha and it seems to absorb better as a gummy

*2. Zinc and Copper:* These essential trace minerals play distinct roles in the body. Zinc is involved in immune function, protein synthesis, and wound healing, while copper is essential for energy production and collagen formation.

   **Benefits:** Ensuring adequate intake of zinc and copper supports various bodily functions, including immunity and energy metabolism.

   **Risks:** Balance is crucial; excessive zinc intake can interfere with copper absorption. Consult with a healthcare professional before supplementing.

3 Boron Supplementation

Boron is a trace mineral that has garnered attention for its potential health benefits, particularly for those looking to enhance their fitness and overall well-being. Found naturally in foods such as nuts, fruits, and leafy greens, boron is often taken as a supplement to support various bodily functions. This mineral plays a crucial role in bone health, hormone regulation, and cognitive function. However, like any supplement, it is important to understand both the benefits and risks associated with its use. Boron supplements come with heavy doses of Riboflavin(vitamin B2) which turns your urine dark yellow. It is much better to get Boron from food. Unfortunately most soil in the U.S. has been depleted of Boron so you won’t get any from food from the U.S. Food from Turkey can have a lot, so eating dates from Turkey can help with your Boron intake

**Benefits of Boron:**

1. **Bone Health:** Boron aids in the metabolism of minerals that are crucial for bone health, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It helps to prevent bone loss and supports the maintenance of strong bones.

2. **Hormone Regulation:** Boron has been shown to influence the production and metabolism of sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which can be particularly beneficial for older adults experiencing hormonal imbalances.

3. **Cognitive Function:** Boron is believed to improve brain function and cognitive performance. It may enhance memory, attention, and hand-eye coordination.

4. **Anti-inflammatory Properties:** Boron has anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

5. **Nutrient Absorption:** It helps in the proper utilization of vitamin D and other nutrients, enhancing overall health and wellness.

**Risks of Boron:**

1. **Toxicity:** Excessive intake of boron can lead to toxicity, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dermatitis. High doses over prolonged periods can be harmful.

2. **Hormonal Imbalance:** While boron can help regulate hormones, too much can lead to hormonal imbalances, potentially causing issues such as altered menstrual cycles or increased levels of testosterone beyond normal ranges.

3. **Kidney Problems:** High doses of boron can affect kidney function, especially in individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions.

4. **Interaction with Medications:** Boron may interact with certain medications, such as estrogen supplements and anticoagulants, potentially altering their effectiveness or increasing side effects.

5. **Allergic Reactions:** Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to boron supplements, leading to symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, or swelling.

As with any supplement, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning boron supplementation to ensure it is appropriate for your individual health needs and conditions.

*4. Nitric Oxide Boosters:* Nitric oxide (NO) boosters, often containing ingredients like L-citrulline or beetroot extract, aim to increase blood flow by promoting vasodilation. Potential benefits include:

   – **Improved Workout Performance:** Enhanced blood flow may lead to better oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles during exercise.

   – **Vascular Health:** NO boosters might contribute to better cardiovascular health by supporting blood vessel function.

   **Benefits:** Nitric oxide boosters can potentially enhance exercise performance and overall circulatory health.

   **Risks:** While generally considered safe, some individuals might experience minor side effects. Follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying health conditions.

L-citrulline supplements are usually in powder form and the powder is pretty sour tasting. The serving size is usually about 3-5 mg which takes about 2 teaspoons of powder. It doesn’t blend well so it can be hard to take. Also to get any blood pump effect for your workout, you need to take upwards of 10 mg. That is a lot of powder.

**Section 3: Supplements to Approach with Caution**

*1. Testosterone Boosters:* Supplements claiming to boost testosterone levels might have limited effectiveness and potential risks.

   **Benefits:** Some products might contribute to slight increases in testosterone levels.

   **Risks:** Testosterone boosters could lead to hormonal imbalances and negative health effects. Consult a doctor before considering these supplements.

*2. Estrogen and Progesterone:* Hormone replacement therapies, including supplements, should only be pursued under medical supervision.

   **Benefits:** Hormone replacement therapies can alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances, such as menopause.

   **Risks:** Incorrect use of hormone supplements can lead to serious health risks and complications. Consult a healthcare provider before considering hormone replacement.

**Section 4: Supplements to Avoid**

*1. Weight Loss Supplements:* Many weight loss supplements lack scientific support and can have adverse effects on health.

   **Risks:** Weight loss supplements often contain stimulants and unproven ingredients that can lead to heart palpitations, digestive issues, and even addiction.

*2. Overly High Doses:* Be cautious of excessive doses of vitamins and minerals.

   **Risks:** Taking too much of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A or iron, can be toxic and cause harm to the body.

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